Work Days
There was a brilliant
turn out for the Community Work Day on 16th April 2016, especially
from all the children, it really shows what a great
of community there is in our beautiful little village. The day started
off brilliantly as we were blessed with gorgeous dry weather. And
from there it went from strength to strength, there was lots of work
completed, plenty of chats had, a few cups of tea and a small
raffle to round off the day. We will be holding more work days in
the near future and if we have the same number of volunteers turning
up we will be truly delighted. Well done everybody and thank you
all so much.
A second Work
Day was held on Saturday 30th April and yet again
the community came up trumps and there was a great turn out with
lots of work completed. Thank you again for all the work.
A big thank you to An
Taisce National Spring Clean for providing
the refuse sacks for our community work day. All refuse sacks provided
were biodegrabeable.
A further 2 Community Workdays were held on Saturday
21st and Saturday 28th May 2016.